About the Journal

The word diplomacy is an absorption from the Dutch language: diplomatie which means the practice of influencing the decisions and behavior of foreign governments or intergovernmental organizations through dialogue, negotiation and other non-violent means, diplomacy also prioritizes caution in expressing opinions.

The use of the name Diplomacy for this journal means that the articles written describe the importance of dialogue, negotiation, the process of conveying information using good language and not using violence, meaning that you can preach to invite other people in a good and peaceful way by choosing the right diction. appropriate to the topic of discussion. .

Diplomacy: Journal of Democracy, Government and Community Empowerment is an open access and peer-reviewed journal published by the Indramayu Islamic Faculty Lecturer Association which provides articles in all fields of Democracy, Government and Community Empowerment as well as related scientific disciplines.

The scope of democracy is a system of individual and social freedom in finding freedom of life and opinion, and includes social, politic, economic, educational, cultural, power, government administration, governance, government processes and forms of government organization, institutions/institutions, state or government objectives. and others.

The scope of government includes social sciences whose material object is the state, namely politics, state administration, constitutional law, and the state itself.

The scope of Community Empowerment includes Empowerment, Community Service, Empowerment of Community and Religious Institutions.