Diplomasi : Jurnal Demokrasi, Pemerintahan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat https://diplomasi.pdfaii.or.id/index.php/i <p><strong>Diplomasi : Jurnal Demokrasi, Pemerintahan dan Pemberdayaan Masyarakat</strong></p> <p>Diplomacy: Journal of Democracy, Government and Community Empowerment is an open access and peer-reviewed journal published by the Indramayu Islamic Faculty Lecturer Association which provides articles in all fields of Democracy, Government and Community Empowerment as well as related scientific disciplines.</p> en-US didikhimm@gmail.com (Ahmad Khotibul Umam) didikhimmawan@gmail.com (Didik Himmawan) Wed, 03 Jul 2024 08:45:53 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Implementation of Entrepreneurship Education to Increase Student Entrepreneurship Interest https://diplomasi.pdfaii.or.id/index.php/i/article/view/34 <p>Entrepreneurship education not only presents theoretical basics regarding the concept of entrepreneurship, but is also able to shape students' way of thinking, behavior and views regarding entrepreneurship. This research aims to clarify the concept of entrepreneurship education, how to apply entrepreneurship education in lectures to increase students' interest in entrepreneurship, as well as the impact of entrepreneurship lectures on students. This research is a type of qualitative research, a research process that produces written or verbal descriptive data regarding the behavior of people being observed. Qualitative research usually involves an in-depth and detailed investigation of a phenomenon, with clear and detailed data. Inductive analysis is used to discover the true meaning of the phenomena studied. The results of this research have a positive impact on students by developing entrepreneurial skills, such as financial management and marketing. They learn how to run and manage a business to become valuable capital for future careers. Being involved in trading gives students practical, real-world experience that cannot always be obtained in the classroom. Trading activities can improve students' soft skills, such as communication, leadership, teamwork and time management.</p> Aqila Fikhia, Hartin Kurniawati, Agung Perwira, Azizah Nurasna Copyright (c) 2024 Aqila Fikhia, Hartin Kurniawati, Agung Perwira, Azizah Nurasna https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://diplomasi.pdfaii.or.id/index.php/i/article/view/34 Wed, 03 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Strategic Synergy: Integrating Food Security and National Defense to Mitigate Global Threats https://diplomasi.pdfaii.or.id/index.php/i/article/view/32 <p>The integration of food security and national defense is critical in addressing global threats that endanger national resilience. This research examines the current practices and challenges in merging these policies across various countries, aiming to develop a comprehensive framework for strategic synergy. Using qualitative research methods, this study analyzes secondary data from government reports, academic literature, and international organizations. Findings indicate that while some nations have successfully integrated food security and defense strategies, many face challenges such as policy misalignment, resource constraints, and lack of coordination among stakeholders. The impact of integrated policies on national resilience is significant, enhancing a country's ability to withstand global threats such as pandemics, climate change, and geopolitical instability. This research proposes a robust framework for integrating food security and national defense strategies, emphasizing the importance of interagency collaboration, resource optimization, and adaptive policy-making. In conclusion, the strategic synergy between food security and national defense is essential for strengthening national resilience and ensuring sustainable development.</p> Aris Sarjito Copyright (c) 2024 Aris Sarjito https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://diplomasi.pdfaii.or.id/index.php/i/article/view/32 Tue, 16 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Existence of the Ujung-Ujungan Tradition (Study in Rambatan Kulon Village, Lohbener District, Indramayu Regency) https://diplomasi.pdfaii.or.id/index.php/i/article/view/19 <p>Tradition and culture in Islam are the result of reason, reason, creativity, intention and human work which are based on human values. Islam really respects human reason, the results of reason, reason, taste and intention that have been selected by universal human values ​​to develop into a civilization. This article discusses the existence of the Ujung-unjungan tradition in Rambatan Kulon village, where the people still believe in and still apply good cultures. This article aims to obtain information about the existence of the Ujung-Ujungan Tradition (Study in Rambatan Kulon Village, Lohbener District, Indramayu Regency. The methodology in this article is qualitative, using an observation and interview approach. The results of this research are the Ujung-unjungan tradition in Rambatan Kulon Village, Lohbener District Indramayu Regency has been held since our ancestors, it is a good tradition when viewed from the perspective of humans as social creatures, because the series of events involve all elements in society, working together and connecting with all levels of society, which is a good tradition that needs to be preserved such as eating together, getting together, staying in touch, pilgrimage, tahlilan, and gathering with family to build closeness together, preserving traditions such as wayang kulit, plays, traditional Indramayu reog arts and other good traditions, because they contain elements of the spirit of mutual cooperation and strengthening solidarity between citizens. And bad things need to be avoided, such as the practice of gambling, drinking and other activities that violate Islamic law and the norms that apply in society.</p> Didik Himmawan, Abduloh, Sandy Kurniawan Copyright (c) 2024 Didik Himmawan, Abduloh, Sandy Kurniawan https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://diplomasi.pdfaii.or.id/index.php/i/article/view/19 Sat, 20 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Development of Science and Technology in the Perspective of Q.S. Ar-Rahman verse 33 and its benefits for Islamic society https://diplomasi.pdfaii.or.id/index.php/i/article/view/22 <p>This article discusses Islamic views on technology in this day and age, progress cannot be stopped. The world is becoming more advanced and more modern. With this progress, science and technology are increasingly advanced and developing, even becoming more modern. In Islam, science and technology are a necessity and must be in accordance with Islamic views. Science and technology without an Islamic view, there will be chaos both physically and non-physically. The methodology in the paper uses a descriptive qualitative approach, this research is realized by interpreting the main topic variables and then connecting them with other data variables, with the results presented in sentences. The research conclusion, which can be understood, is that there are at least two main roles of Islam in the development of science and technology; First, making Islamic Aqidah a paradigm of thought and science. Second, making Islamic sharia the standard for the use of science and technology.</p> Abdul Baasith Zulfikar, Didik Himmawan, Lauria Khaila Ahrom Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Baasith Zulfikar, Didik Himmawan, Lauria Khaila Ahrom https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://diplomasi.pdfaii.or.id/index.php/i/article/view/22 Sat, 20 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Challenges of Government Ethics in Human Resource Governance in Village Government in the Digital Era https://diplomasi.pdfaii.or.id/index.php/i/article/view/39 <p>Government ethics is a set of standards that regulate the behavior of officials in carrying out their responsibilities. These standards are based on important values, including accountability, integrity, and morality. Implementing this code of ethics is important to improve the performance of government organizations, especially in the context of Industry 5.0 and the digital era. Qualitative methodology and case study design were used to conduct research in Village Government. The results show that digitalization has an impact on human resource governance in villages which in turn has an impact on changes in data administration, work methodology and competencies. To achieve success in the context of digital transformation, it is necessary to increase digital literacy and apply information and communication technology in rural areas. The aim of this research is to increase the competitiveness and welfare of villages, as well as increase the effectiveness of human resource management in village government, encouraging the progress of sustainable and efficient government ethics in the digital era and Industry 5.0.</p> Hikmah Muhaimin, Azzara Rum Mawangi, Desi Nur Vitasari, Nasihul Amin Copyright (c) 2024 Hikmah Muhaimin, Azzara Rum Mawangi, Desi Nur Vitasari, Nasihul Amin https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0 https://diplomasi.pdfaii.or.id/index.php/i/article/view/39 Mon, 29 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000